Lecithin: Functions of Choline

The benefits seem to be attributed to the presence of choline. As a lipotropic substance, choline functions as an agent in the body’s metabolism, giving aid in the digestion of fats. To put it simply, choline helps in burning fat that gets stored in tissues, thereby acting as an agent to support weight loss.

The more choline you have in your body, the faster your fat metabolism becomes, and the lower your blood cholesterol level goes. As you probably know, a large number of health problems are due to high levels of blood cholesterol levels, which actually leads to a congestion of blood vessels. The condition therefore results in the likely occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.

The intake of lecithin may help you avoid this thing from happening to you. As it supports fat metabolism and has been shown to aid in bringing down cholesterol levels, lecithin can protect you against heart attacks and strokes.